Links over Transkids
Engelstalige sites met veel infomatie over kinderen en trans.
Lily Maynard
Hormones lead to increased suicide risk
Scientific article
‘I asked him how many of his patients resolved their distress without a need for transitioning, and ended up identifying with their natal sex….Dr. Zucker briskly replied, “eighty-eight percent.”
Gender Dysphoria expert gives vital speech
Reportage van de BBC over kinderen met genderdysforie. Met Dr Kenneth Zucker, een grootheid op het gebied van genderdysforie bij kinderen, die ontslagen werd omdat hij geen ‘affirmative therapy’ toepaste.
William J Malone, endocrinoloog, schrijft samen met Colin Wright, evolutionair bioloog, en Julia D Robertson, journalist, over de (gender)eigenschappen die de maatschappij toekent aan de beide seksen en hoeveel overlap er op grond van statistiek is en dat veel kinderen met dysforie er over heen groeien en homoseksuele volwassenen worden.
No One is Born in the Wrong Body
The number of young people referred to the GIDS has increased from 678 in 2014-15 to 2,590 in the past year. Cass will lead a team of 20 experts on the review.
Article in the Guardian
Pediatrician destroys puberty blockers. “Chemical castration is no way to treat a depression,”
from 2017. Film on Facebook.
“That’s not science – that’s ideology masquerading as science”
Testosterone ramps up chest dysphoria, which leads to top surgery, and on it goes.
Unpopular opinion: pediatric transition is a bad idea
The Australian Medical Association Queensland – 9600 doctors – “questions whether children have the ability to make decisions about gender reassignment surgery” and calling for practitioner groups to write new national treatment guidelines.
Rapid-onset gender dysphoria might spread through groups of friends and may be a harmful coping mechanism, a new study suggests, but more research is needed.
No one knows the full extent of the risks of blockers. Certain is that adolescents who proceed to cross-sex hormones—the next step in medical “transition”—will become permanently infertile and may never develop the capacity for orgasm.
Abigail Shrier
Autism an ADHD are comorbid factors of the no’s of young teens presenting. Evidence suggests over-representation of autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) and behavioral difficulties among people referred for gender issues,
Kids with adhd and autism more likely to have gender identity issues
Child sex-swap cases soar by 330% in just five years at Australian transgender clinic. From 48 transgender patients in 2014 a rise to 207 patients in 2018, with 171 on puberty blocker Leuprorelin
Article in DailyMail
Father is willing to go to jail because he doesn’t want his son to hear in school that he might be ‘born in the wrong body’.
Article in the Times
New push to ban medical treatments for transgender children
Tennessee proposing bill to charge parents with child abuse for allowing minors to undergo sex-change
Alabama criminalizing description of opposite sexhormones or puberty blockers for transgenders under 19
Wrong sex hormones & drugs to block natural puberty interferes with physical & mental (brain) development. Interfering with children’s healthy bodies is the biggest crime of our time.
The new ideology of gender fluidity: Prof. John Whitehall
YouTube film
From 2018 – School has SEVENTEEN children changing gender as teacher says vulnerable pupils are being ’tricked’ into believing they are the wrong sex
Whistleblower teacher makes shocking claim that ‘most are autistic’
DailyMail article
Mother with Munchausen by proxy trying to turn her daughter into a female eunuch
15 year kid is going through menopause
Het monopolie op transgenderzorg voor jongeren pakt niet goed uit. Ze denken dat ze met paar vragen kunnen checken of je spijt zult gaan hebben van je besluit.
Artikel in Vrij Nederland
The frequency of personality disorders was 81.4%. The most frequent disorder was narcissistic personality disorder (57.1%) and the least was borderline personality disorder. The average number of diagnoses was 3.00 per patient.
Medical Journey Iran
If conversion therapy is bad, why is ‘sex reassignment’ therapy good?
YouTube film
University of Queensland (Australia) law dean Patrick Parkinson, speaking in a personal capacity, said the explosion in transgender teenagers, chiefly girls, was “another epidemic” — one that had “so far escaped public attention”.
Health chiefs can’t ignore global epidemic of transgender teens
A global rise in the number of teenagers seeking to go through gender reassignment has also spurred a series of court cases around the world around the age at which young people are able to choose to transition – and who has the final word
DailyMail article
“We posit that there are multiple, interweaving factors bearing down on girls and young women that have collided at this particular time causing a distress seemingly related to gender and their sex. These factors are external and internal.”
The natal female question
Gender-questioning children deserve better science
Article in the Lancet
The right to best care for children does not include the right to medical transition
article in BioEthical journal
The nonsense of three year-olds identifying as transgender, demonstrated by Khartoum Goodwin. His three year old even identifies as an egg-omelet.
Teenage transgender row splits Sweden as dysphoria diagnoses soar by 1,500%
New health report and TV debates highlight backlash against gender reassignment
Article from the Guardian
The Canadian courts decided on medically transitioning his daughter and dad faces jail if he speakers about it publicly, trying to protect her.
YouTube film
Tavistock suppressed evidence that 1/3 of children referred to them showed signs of autism.
Puberty blockers increased self-harm and risk of suicide, 100% went on to cross-sex hormones. While 90% who were not given blockers refused hormones.
Akkad Daily (film)
Bill to curb radical medical tests on minors fails, video on medical experiments on children
Foxnews video
Transsexual Jenn Smith Calls for National Inquiries into mass gender transitioning of vulnerable kids, autistic kids and kids under foster care are overrepresented.
YouTube film
Derek Sloan’s reaction, supports call for inquiry into ‘sex reassignment’ of vulnerable youths
Why are so many girls becoming boys? A podcast with Abigail Shrier, the author of Irreversible Damage.
The femsplainers podcast.
From 2002: To minimize the child’s stigmatization, only the parents come to treatment sessions. A high rate of success with a relatively low number of sessions. This treatment approach holds considerable promise as a cost-effective procedure for families
Article in Clinical child psychiatry and psychology
Parents are angry because schools are allowing transgender children to use the toilets of their choice
Girl, 13, launches High Court fight to block council’s advice that on school trips trans pupils should be able to choose which dorm they sleep in
DailyMail article
“We also went to a gender clinic which affirmed and offered to prescribe my 13-year-old daughter testosterone – on that same day! “
Michigan clinic offers testosterone to 13 yr old
Mother Coerced by Gender Clinic to Put Autistic Teen on Puberty-Blocking Drugs
Who could possibly benefit from children becoming lifelong medical patients and reduce child safeguarding?
There is a clear money trail from the pharmaceutical lobby to the construction of a legal lie.’
Lupron, used to ‘block’ puberty, is a very dangerous drug and can cause lifelong damage.
Lupron and health problems
“I had a perfectly healthy child a year ago, and she is destroyed for absolutely no good reason,” Rob said . “She’s going to forever have a lower voice. She’ll forever have to shave because of facial hair. She won’t be able to have children…”